
This section contains a few short and straightforward examples which show how to use the Babeltrace 2 Python bindings.

The bt2 package provides the Babeltrace 2 Python bindings. Note that the babeltrace package is part of the Babeltrace 1 project: it’s somewhat out-of-date and not compatible with the bt2 package.

Assume that all the examples below are named example.py.

Iterate trace events

The most convenient and high-level way to iterate the events of one or more traces is with a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object.

A bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object roughly offers the same features as the convert command of the babeltrace2 command-line program (see the babeltrace2-convert(1) manual page), but in a programmatic, Pythonic way.

As of Babeltrace 2.1, the trace collection message iterator class is a Python bindings-only feature: the Python code uses libbabeltrace2 internally, but the latter does not offer this utility as such.

The bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator interface features:

  • Automatic source component (trace format) discovery.

    convert command equivalent example:

    $ babeltrace2 /path/to/my/trace
  • Explicit component class instantiation.

    convert command equivalent example:

    $ babeltrace2 --component=source.my.format
  • Passing initialization parameters to both auto-discovered and explicitly created components.

    convert command equivalent example:

    $ babeltrace2 /path/to/my/trace --params=detailed=no \
                  --component=source.ctf.fs \
  • Trace event muxing.

    The message iterator muxes (combines) the events from multiple compatible streams into a single, time-sorted sequence of events.

    $ babeltrace2 /path/to/trace1 /path/to/trace2 /path/to/trace3
  • Stream intersection mode.

    convert command equivalent example:

    $ babeltrace2 /path/to/my/trace --stream-intersection
  • Stream trimming with beginning and/or end times.

    convert command equivalent example:

    $ babeltrace2 /path/to/my/trace --begin=22:14:38 --end=22:15:07

While the babeltrace2 convert command creates a sink.text.pretty component class (by default) to pretty-print events as plain text lines, a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object is a Python iterator which makes its user a message consumer (there’s no sink component):

import bt2

for msg in bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator('/path/to/trace'):
    if type(msg) is bt2._EventMessageConst:

Discover traces

Pass one or more file paths, directory paths, or other strings when you build a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object to let it automatically determine which source components to create for you.

If you pass a directory path, the message iterator traverses the directory recursively to find traces, automatically selecting the appropriate source component classes to instantiate.

The bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object and the babeltrace2 convert CLI command share the same automatic component discovery algorithm. See the Create implicit components from non-option arguments section of the babeltrace2-convert(1) manual page for more details.

The following example shows how to use a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object to automatically discover one or more traces from a single path (file or directory). For each trace event, the example prints its name:

import bt2
import sys

# Get the trace path from the first command-line argument.
path = sys.argv[1]

# Create a trace collection message iterator with this path.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(path)

# Iterate the trace messages.
for msg in msg_it:
    # `bt2._EventMessageConst` is the Python type of an event message.
    if type(msg) is bt2._EventMessageConst:
        # An event message holds a trace event.
        event = msg.event

        # Print event's name.

Run this example:

$ python3 example.py /path/to/one/or/more/traces

Output example:


The example above is simplistic; it does not catch the exceptions that some statements can raise:

  • bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(path) raises an exception if it cannot find any trace.

  • Each iteration of the loop, or, more precisely, the bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator.__next__() method, raises an exception if there’s any error during the iteration process.

    For example, an internal source component message iterator can fail when trying to decode a malformed trace file.

Create explicit source components

If automatic source component discovery doesn’t work for you (for example, because the source component class you actually need to instantiate doesn’t offer the babeltrace.support-info query object), create explicit source components when you build a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object.

The following example builds a trace collection message iterator to explicitly instantiate a source.ctf.fs component class (found in the ctf plugin). Again, for each trace event, the example prints its name:

import bt2
import sys

# Find the `ctf` plugin (shipped with Babeltrace 2).
ctf_plugin = bt2.find_plugin('ctf')

# Get the `source.ctf.fs` component class from the plugin.
fs_cc = ctf_plugin.source_component_classes['fs']

# Create a trace collection message iterator, instantiating a single
# `source.ctf.fs` component class with the `inputs` initialization
# parameter set to open a single CTF trace.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(bt2.ComponentSpec(fs_cc, {
    # Get the CTF trace path from the first command-line argument.
    'inputs': [sys.argv[1]],

# Iterate the trace messages.
for msg in msg_it:
    # `bt2._EventMessageConst` is the Python type of an event message.
    if type(msg) is bt2._EventMessageConst:
        # Print event's name.

Run this example:

$ python3 example.py /path/to/ctf/trace

Output example:


The example above looks similar to the previous one using automatic source component discovery, but there are notable differences:

  • A source.ctf.fs component expects to receive the path to a single CTF trace (a directory containing a file named metadata).

    Unlike the previous example, you must pass the exact CTF trace directory path, not a parent directory path.

  • Unlike the previous example, the example above can only read a single trace.

    If you want to read multiple CTF traces using explicit component class instantiation with a single trace collection message iterator, you must create one source.ctf.fs component per trace.

Note that the bt2.ComponentSpec class offers the from_named_plugin_and_component_class() convenience static method which finds the plugin and component class for you. You could therefore rewrite the trace collection message iterator creation part of the example above as:

# Create a trace collection message iterator, instantiating a single
# `source.ctf.fs` component class with the `inputs` initialization
# parameter set to open a single CTF trace.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(
    bt2.ComponentSpec.from_named_plugin_and_component_class('ctf', 'fs', {
        # Get the CTF trace path from the first command-line argument.
        'inputs': [sys.argv[1]],

Get a specific event field’s value

The Discover traces and Create explicit source components examples show that a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator iterates the time-sorted messages of one or more traces.

One specific type of message is bt2._EventMessageConst, which holds a trace event object.


Everything you can find in the bt2 package is publicly accessible.

Names which start with _ (underscore), like bt2._EventMessageConst, indicate that you can’t instantiate such a class (you cannot call the class). However, the type itself remains public so that you can use its name to check an object’s type:

if type(msg) is bt2._EventMessageConst:
    # ...
if isinstance(field, bt2._IntegerFieldConst):
    # ...

Access an event object’s field by using the event as a simple mapping (like a read-only dict), where keys are field names. The field can belong to any part of the event (contexts or payload) and to its packet’s context, if any:

import bt2
import sys

# Create a trace collection message iterator from the first
# command-line argument.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(sys.argv[1])

# Iterate the trace messages.
for msg in msg_it:
    # `bt2._EventMessageConst` is the Python type of an event message.
    # Only keep such messages.
    if type(msg) is not bt2._EventMessageConst:

    # An event message holds a trace event.
    event = msg.event

    # Only check `sched_switch` events.
    if event.name != 'sched_switch':

    # In an LTTng trace, the `cpu_id` field is a packet context field.
    # The mapping interface of `event` can still find it.
    cpu_id = event['cpu_id']

    # Previous and next process short names are found in the event's
    # `prev_comm` and `next_comm` fields.
    prev_comm = event['prev_comm']
    next_comm = event['next_comm']

    # Print line, using field values.
    msg = 'CPU {}: Switching process `{}` → `{}`'
    print(msg.format(cpu_id, prev_comm, next_comm))

The example above assumes that the traces to open are LTTng Linux kernel traces.

Run this example:

$ python3 example.py /path/to/one/or/more/lttng/traces

Output example:

CPU 2: Switching process `Timer` → `swapper/2`
CPU 0: Switching process `swapper/0` → `firefox`
CPU 0: Switching process `firefox` → `swapper/0`
CPU 0: Switching process `swapper/0` → `rcu_preempt`
CPU 0: Switching process `rcu_preempt` → `swapper/0`
CPU 3: Switching process `swapper/3` → `alsa-sink-ALC26`
CPU 2: Switching process `swapper/2` → `Timer`
CPU 2: Switching process `Timer` → `swapper/2`
CPU 2: Switching process `swapper/2` → `pulseaudio`
CPU 0: Switching process `swapper/0` → `firefox`
CPU 1: Switching process `swapper/1` → `threaded-ml`
CPU 2: Switching process `pulseaudio` → `Timer`

If you need to access a specific field, use:

Event payload

bt2._EventConst.payload_field property.

Event specific context

bt2._EventConst.specific_context_field property.

Event common context

bt2._EventConst.common_context_field property.

Packet context

bt2._PacketConst.context_field property.

Use Python’s in operator to verify if:

A specific “root” field (in the list above) contains a given field by name
if 'next_comm' in event.payload_field:
       # ...
Any of the root fields contains a given field by name
if 'next_comm' in event:
    # ...

The following example iterates the events of a given trace, printing the value of the fd payload field if it’s available:

import bt2
import sys

# Create a trace collection message iterator from the first command-line
# argument.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(sys.argv[1])

# Iterate the trace messages.
for msg in msg_it:
    # `bt2._EventMessageConst` is the Python type of an event message.
    if type(msg) is bt2._EventMessageConst:
        # Check if the `fd` event payload field exists.
        if 'fd' in msg.event.payload_field:
            # Print the `fd` event payload field's value.

Output example:


Get an event’s time

The time, or timestamp, of an event object belongs to its message as a default clock snapshot.

An event’s clock snapshot is a snapshot (an immutable value) of the value of the event’s stream’s clock when the event occurred. As of Babeltrace 2.1, a stream can only have one clock: its default clock.

Use the default_clock_snapshot property of an event message to get its default clock snapshot. A clock snapshot object offers, amongst other things, the following properties:

value (int)

Value of the clock snapshot in clock cycles.

A stream clock can have any frequency (Hz).

ns_from_origin (int)

Number of nanoseconds from the stream clock’s origin (often the Unix epoch).

The following example prints, for each event, its name, its date/time, and the difference, in seconds, since the previous event’s time (if any):

import bt2
import sys
import datetime

# Create a trace collection message iterator from the first command-line
# argument.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(sys.argv[1])

# Last event's time (ns from origin).
last_event_ns_from_origin = None

# Iterate the trace messages.
for msg in msg_it:
    # `bt2._EventMessageConst` is the Python type of an event message.
    if type(msg) is bt2._EventMessageConst:
        # Get event message's default clock snapshot's ns from origin
        # value.
        ns_from_origin = msg.default_clock_snapshot.ns_from_origin

        # Compute the time difference since the last event message.
        diff_s = 0

        if last_event_ns_from_origin is not None:
            diff_s = (ns_from_origin - last_event_ns_from_origin) / 1e9

        # Create a `datetime.datetime` object from `ns_from_origin` for
        # presentation. Note that such an object is less accurate than
        # `ns_from_origin` as it holds microseconds, not nanoseconds.
        dt = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ns_from_origin / 1e9)

        # Print line.
        fmt = '{} (+{:.6f} s): {}'
        print(fmt.format(dt, diff_s, msg.event.name))

        # Update last event's time.
        last_event_ns_from_origin = ns_from_origin

Run this example:

$ python3 example.py /path/to/one/or/more/traces

Output example:

2015-09-09 22:40:41.551451 (+0.000004 s): lttng_ust_statedump:end
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003397 (+1.451946 s): lttng_ust_dl:dlopen
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003412 (+0.000015 s): lttng_ust_dl:build_id
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003861 (+0.000449 s): lttng_ust_dl:dlopen
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003865 (+0.000004 s): lttng_ust_dl:build_id
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003879 (+0.000014 s): my_provider:my_first_tracepoint
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003895 (+0.000016 s): my_provider:my_first_tracepoint
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003898 (+0.000003 s): my_provider:my_other_tracepoint
2015-09-09 22:40:43.003922 (+0.000023 s): lttng_ust_dl:dlclose

Bonus: Print top 5 running processes using LTTng

As Get a specific event field’s value shows, a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator can read LTTng traces.

The following example is similar to Get an event’s time: it reads a whole LTTng Linux kernel trace, but instead of printing the time difference for each event, it accumulates them to print the short names of the top 5 running processes on CPU 0 during the whole trace.

import bt2
import sys
import collections

# Create a trace collection message iterator from the first command-line
# argument.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(sys.argv[1])

# This counter dictionary will hold execution times:
#     Task command name -> Total execution time (ns)
exec_times = collections.Counter()

# This holds the last `sched_switch` event time.
last_ns_from_origin = None

for msg in msg_it:
    # `bt2._EventMessageConst` is the Python type of an event message.
    # Only keep such messages.
    if type(msg) is not bt2._EventMessageConst:

    # An event message holds a trace event.
    event = msg.event

    # Only check `sched_switch` events.
    if event.name != 'sched_switch':

    # Keep only events which occurred on CPU 0.
    if event['cpu_id'] != 0:

    # Get event message's default clock snapshot's ns from origin value.
    ns_from_origin = msg.default_clock_snapshot.ns_from_origin

    if last_ns_from_origin is None:
        # We start here.
        last_ns_from_origin = ns_from_origin

    # Previous process's short name.
    prev_comm = str(event['prev_comm'])

    # Initialize an entry in our dictionary if not done yet.
    if prev_comm not in exec_times:
        exec_times[prev_comm] = 0

    # Compute previous process's execution time.
    diff_ns = ns_from_origin - last_ns_from_origin

    # Update execution time of this command.
    exec_times[prev_comm] += diff_ns

    # Update last event's time.
    last_ns_from_origin = ns_from_origin

# Print top 5.
for comm, ns in exec_times.most_common(5):
    print('{:20}{} s'.format(comm, ns / 1e9))

Run this example:

$ python3 example.py /path/to/lttng/trace

Output example:

swapper/0           326.294314471 s
chromium            2.500456202 s
Xorg.bin            0.546656895 s
threaded-ml         0.545098185 s
pulseaudio          0.53677713 s

Note that swapper/0 is the “idle” process of CPU 0 on Linux; since we weren’t using the CPU that much when tracing, its first position in the list makes sense.

Inspect event classes

Each event stream is a stream class instance.

A stream class contains event classes. A stream class’s event classes describe all the possible events you can find in its instances. Stream classes and event classes form the metadata of streams and events.

The following example shows how to list all the event classes of a stream class. For each event class, the example also prints the names of its payload field class’s first-level members.


As of Babeltrace 2.1, there’s no way to access a stream class without consuming at least one message for one of its instances (streams).

A source component can add new event classes to existing stream classes during the trace processing task. Therefore, this example only lists the initial stream class’s event classes.

import bt2
import sys

# Create a trace collection message iterator from the first command-line
# argument.
msg_it = bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator(sys.argv[1])

# Get the message iterator's first stream beginning message.
for msg in msg_it:
    # `bt2._StreamBeginningMessageConst` is the Python type of a stream
    # beginning message.
    if type(msg) is bt2._StreamBeginningMessageConst:

# A stream beginning message holds a stream.
stream = msg.stream

# Get the stream's class.
stream_class = stream.cls

# The stream class object offers a mapping interface (like a read-only
# `dict`), where keys are event class IDs and values are
# `bt2._EventClassConst` objects.
for event_class in stream_class.values():

    # The `payload_field_class` property of an event class returns a
    # `bt2._StructureFieldClassConst` object. This object offers a
    # mapping interface, where keys are member names and values are
    # `bt2._StructureFieldClassMemberConst` objects.
    for member in event_class.payload_field_class.values():
        fmt = '  {}: `{}.{}`'
        print(fmt.format(member.name, bt2.__name__,

Run this example:

$ python3 example.py /path/to/trace

Output example:

  comm: `bt2._StringFieldClassConst`
  tid: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  prio: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  orig_cpu: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  dest_cpu: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  prev_comm: `bt2._StringFieldClassConst`
  prev_tid: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  prev_prio: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  prev_state: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  next_comm: `bt2._StringFieldClassConst`
  next_tid: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  next_prio: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  comm: `bt2._StringFieldClassConst`
  tid: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  prio: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`
  target_cpu: `bt2._SignedIntegerFieldClassConst`

Build and run a trace processing graph

Internally, a bt2.TraceCollectionMessageIterator object (see Iterate trace events) builds a trace processing graph, just like the babeltrace2-convert(1) CLI command, and then offers a Python iterator interface on top of it.

See the babeltrace2-intro(7) manual page to learn more about the Babeltrace 2 project and its core concepts.

The following examples shows how to manually build and then run a trace processing graph yourself (like the babeltrace2-run(1) CLI command does). The general steps to do so are:

  1. Create an empty graph.

  2. Add components to the graph.

    This process is also known as instantiating a component class because the graph must first create the component from its class before adding it.

    A viable graph contains at least one source component and one sink component.

  3. Connect component ports.

    On initialization, components add input and output ports, depending on their type.

    You can connect component output ports to input ports within a graph.

  4. Run the graph.

    This is a blocking operation which makes each sink component consume some messages in a round robin fashion until there are no more.

import bt2
import sys

# Create an empty graph.
graph = bt2.Graph()

# Add a `source.text.dmesg` component.
# graph.add_component() returns the created and added component.
# Such a component reads Linux kernel ring buffer messages (see
# `dmesg(1)`) from the standard input and creates corresponding event
# messages. See `babeltrace2-source.text.dmesg(7)`.
# `my source` is the unique name of this component within `graph`.
comp_cls = bt2.find_plugin('text').source_component_classes['dmesg']
src_comp = graph.add_component(comp_cls, 'my source')

# Add a `sink.text.pretty` component.
# Such a component pretty-prints event messages on the standard output
# (one message per line). See `babeltrace2-sink.text.pretty(7)`.
# The `babeltrace2 convert` CLI command uses a `sink.text.pretty`
# sink component by default.
comp_cls = bt2.find_plugin('text').sink_component_classes['pretty']
sink_comp = graph.add_component(comp_cls, 'my sink')

# Connect the `out` output port of the `source.text.dmesg` component
# to the `in` input port of the `sink.text.pretty` component.

# Run the trace processing graph.

Run this example:

$ dmesg -t | python3 example.py

Output example:

string: { str = "ata1.00: NCQ Send/Recv Log not supported" }
string: { str = "ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/02:00:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) succeeded" }
string: { str = "ata1.00: ACPI cmd f5/00:00:00:00:00:a0 (SECURITY FREEZE LOCK) filtered out" }
string: { str = "ata1.00: ACPI cmd ef/10:03:00:00:00:a0 (SET FEATURES) filtered out" }
string: { str = "ata1.00: NCQ Send/Recv Log not supported" }
string: { str = "ata1.00: configured for UDMA/133" }
string: { str = "ata1.00: Enabling discard_zeroes_data" }
string: { str = "OOM killer enabled." }
string: { str = "Restarting tasks ... done." }
string: { str = "PM: suspend exit" }

Query a component class

Component classes, provided by plugins, can implement a method to support query operations.

A query operation is similar to a function call: the caller makes a request (a query) with parameters and the component class’s query method returns a result object.

The query operation feature exists so that you can benefit from a component class’s implementation to get information about a trace, a stream, a distant server, and so on. For example, the source.ctf.lttng-live component class (see babeltrace2-source.ctf.lttng-live(7)) offers the sessions object to list the available LTTng live tracing session names and other properties.

The semantics of the query parameters and the returned object are completely defined by the component class implementation: the library and its Python bindings don’t enforce or suggest any layout. The best way to know which objects you can query from a component class, what are the expected and optional parameters, and what the returned object contains is to read this component class’s documentation.

The following example queries the “standard” babeltrace.support-info query object (see babeltrace2-query-babeltrace.support-info(7)) from the source.ctf.fs component class (see babeltrace2-source.ctf.fs(7)) and pretty-prints the result. The babeltrace.support-info query object indicates whether or not a given path locates a CTF trace directory:

import bt2
import sys

# Get the `source.ctf.fs` component class from the `ctf` plugin.
comp_cls = bt2.find_plugin('ctf').source_component_classes['fs']

# The `babeltrace.support-info` query operation expects a `type`
# parameter (set to `directory` here) and an `input` parameter (the
# actual path or string to check, in this case the first command-line
# argument).
# See `babeltrace2-query-babeltrace.support-info(7)`.
params = {
    'type': 'directory',
    'input': sys.argv[1],

# Create a query executor.
# This is the environment in which query operations happens. The
# queried component class has access to this executor, for example to
# retrieve the query operation's logging level.
query_exec = bt2.QueryExecutor(comp_cls, 'babeltrace.support-info',

# Query the component class through the query executor.
# This method returns the result.
result = query_exec.query()

# Print the result.

As you can see, no trace processing graph is involved (like in Iterate trace events and Build and run a trace processing graph): a query operation is not a sequential trace processing task, but a simple, atomic procedure call.

Run this example:

$ python3 example.py /path/to/ctf/trace

Output example:

{'group': '21c63a42-40bc-4c08-9761-3815ae01f43d', 'weight': 0.75}

This result indicates that the component class is 75 % confident that /path/to/ctf/trace is a CTF trace directory path. It also shows that this specific CTF trace belongs to the 21c63a42-40bc-4c08-9761-3815ae01f43d group; a single component can handle multiple traces which belong to the same group.

Let’s try the sample example with a path that doesn’t locate a CTF trace:

$ python3 example.py /etc


{'weight': 0.0}

As expected, the zero weight indicates that /etc isn’t a CTF trace directory path.