12#ifndef __BT_IN_BABELTRACE_H
13# error "Please include <babeltrace2/babeltrace.h> instead."
18#include <babeltrace2/types.h>
1427 bt_bool assigns_automatic_event_class_id) __BT_NOEXCEPT;
1480 bt_bool assigns_automatic_stream_id) __BT_NOEXCEPT;
1560 bt_bool with_beginning_default_clock_snapshot,
1561 bt_bool with_end_default_clock_snapshot) __BT_NOEXCEPT;
1686 bt_bool supports_discarded_events,
1687 bt_bool with_default_clock_snapshots) __BT_NOEXCEPT;
1792 bt_bool supports_discarded_packets,
1793 bt_bool with_default_clock_snapshots) __BT_NOEXCEPT;
1880 const bt_value *user_attributes) __BT_NOEXCEPT;
1977#define BT_STREAM_CLASS_PUT_REF_AND_RESET(_stream_class) \
1979 bt_stream_class_put_ref(_stream_class); \
1980 (_stream_class) = NULL; \
2008#define BT_STREAM_CLASS_MOVE_REF(_dst, _src) \
2010 bt_stream_class_put_ref(_dst); \
int bt_bool
Babeltrace 2 boolean type.
Definition types.h:126
struct bt_clock_class bt_clock_class
Clock class.
Definition types.h:22
struct bt_event_class bt_event_class
Event class.
Definition types.h:37
struct bt_field_class bt_field_class
Field class.
Definition types.h:39
bt_stream_class_set_default_clock_class_status bt_stream_class_set_default_clock_class(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_clock_class *clock_class)
Sets the default clock class of the stream class stream_class to clock_class.
const char * bt_stream_class_get_uid(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns the UID of the stream class stream_class.
const bt_value * bt_stream_class_borrow_user_attributes_const(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the user attributes of the stream class stream_class (const version).
bt_bool bt_stream_class_assigns_automatic_stream_id(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the stream class stream_class automatically assigns a numeric ID to a stream y...
bt_field_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_event_common_context_field_class(bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the event common context field class from the stream class stream_class.
void bt_stream_class_set_assigns_automatic_stream_id(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_bool assigns_automatic_stream_id)
Sets whether or not the stream class stream_class automatically assigns a numeric ID to a stream you ...
Status codes for bt_stream_class_set_name().
Definition stream-class.h:968
struct bt_stream_class bt_stream_class
Stream class.
Definition types.h:90
Status codes for bt_stream_class_set_packet_context_field_class() and bt_stream_class_set_event_commo...
Definition stream-class.h:1205
bt_bool bt_stream_class_supports_packets(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class have packets.
bt_event_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_event_class_by_index(bt_stream_class *stream_class, uint64_t index)
Borrows the event class at index index from the stream class stream_class.
bt_bool bt_stream_class_discarded_events_have_default_clock_snapshots(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the discarded events messages of the instances (streams) of the stream class s...
const bt_event_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_event_class_by_index_const(const bt_stream_class *stream_class, uint64_t index)
Borrows the event class at index index from the stream class stream_class (const version).
bt_clock_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_default_clock_class(bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the default clock class from the stream class stream_class.
bt_stream_class_set_name_status bt_stream_class_set_name(bt_stream_class *stream_class, const char *name)
Sets the name of the stream class stream_class to a copy of name.
void bt_stream_class_get_ref(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Increments the reference count of the stream class stream_class.
void bt_stream_class_set_user_attributes(bt_stream_class *stream_class, const bt_value *user_attributes)
Sets the user attributes of the stream class stream_class to user_attributes.
bt_stream_class_set_namespace_status bt_stream_class_set_namespace(bt_stream_class *stream_class, const char *ns)
Sets the namespace of the stream class stream_class to a copy of ns.
bt_event_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_event_class_by_id(bt_stream_class *stream_class, uint64_t id)
Borrows the event class having the numeric ID id from the stream class stream_class.
const bt_trace_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_trace_class_const(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the trace class which contains the stream class stream_class (const version).
void bt_stream_class_set_assigns_automatic_event_class_id(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_bool assigns_automatic_event_class_id)
Sets whether or not the stream class stream_class automatically assigns a numeric ID to an event clas...
bt_value * bt_stream_class_borrow_user_attributes(bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the user attributes of the stream class stream_class.
bt_field_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_packet_context_field_class(bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the packet context field class from the stream class stream_class.
const char * bt_stream_class_get_namespace(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns the namespace of the stream class stream_class.
bt_stream_class_set_field_class_status bt_stream_class_set_packet_context_field_class(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_field_class *field_class)
Sets the packet context field class of the stream class stream_class to field_class.
bt_bool bt_stream_class_packets_have_beginning_default_clock_snapshot(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the packets of the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class have a...
bt_stream_class_set_uid_status bt_stream_class_set_uid(bt_stream_class *stream_class, const char *uid)
Sets the unique identifier (UID) of the stream class stream_class to a copy of uid.
bt_stream_class * bt_stream_class_create_with_id(bt_trace_class *trace_class, uint64_t id)
Creates a default stream class with the numeric ID id and adds it to the trace class trace_class.
bt_stream_class * bt_stream_class_create(bt_trace_class *trace_class)
Creates a default stream class and adds it to the trace class trace_class.
bt_stream_class_set_field_class_status bt_stream_class_set_event_common_context_field_class(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_field_class *field_class)
Sets the event common context field class of the stream class stream_class to field_class.
Status codes for bt_stream_class_set_uid().
Definition stream-class.h:1042
bt_bool bt_stream_class_supports_discarded_events(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class can have discarded ev...
const bt_field_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_event_common_context_field_class_const(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the event common context field class from the stream class stream_class (const version()).
bt_bool bt_stream_class_supports_discarded_packets(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class can have discarded pa...
void bt_stream_class_set_supports_packets(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_bool supports_packets, bt_bool with_beginning_default_clock_snapshot, bt_bool with_end_default_clock_snapshot)
Sets whether or not the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class have packets and,...
uint64_t bt_stream_class_get_id(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns the numeric ID of the stream class stream_class.
const char * bt_stream_class_get_name(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns the name of the stream class stream_class.
bt_bool bt_stream_class_assigns_automatic_event_class_id(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the stream class stream_class automatically assigns a numeric ID to an event c...
const bt_field_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_packet_context_field_class_const(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the packet context field class from the stream class stream_class (const version).
uint64_t bt_stream_class_get_event_class_count(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns the number of event classes contained in the stream class stream_class.
bt_bool bt_stream_class_discarded_packets_have_default_clock_snapshots(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the discarded packets messages of the instances (streams) of the stream class ...
const bt_clock_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_default_clock_class_const(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the default clock class from the stream class stream_class (const version).
void bt_stream_class_set_supports_discarded_packets(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_bool supports_discarded_packets, bt_bool with_default_clock_snapshots)
Sets whether or not the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class can have discarded packe...
const bt_event_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_event_class_by_id_const(const bt_stream_class *stream_class, uint64_t id)
Borrows the event class having the numeric ID id from the stream class stream_class (const version).
void bt_stream_class_set_supports_discarded_events(bt_stream_class *stream_class, bt_bool supports_discarded_events, bt_bool with_default_clock_snapshots)
Sets whether or not the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class can have discarded event...
Status codes for bt_stream_class_set_namespace().
Definition stream-class.h:889
bt_trace_class * bt_stream_class_borrow_trace_class(bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Borrows the trace class which contains the stream class stream_class.
bt_bool bt_stream_class_packets_have_end_default_clock_snapshot(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Returns whether or not the packets of the instances (streams) of the stream class stream_class have a...
void bt_stream_class_put_ref(const bt_stream_class *stream_class)
Decrements the reference count of the stream class stream_class.
Status codes for bt_stream_class_set_default_clock_class().
Definition stream-class.h:1122
Definition stream-class.h:973
Out of memory.
Definition stream-class.h:979
Out of memory.
Definition stream-class.h:1216
Definition stream-class.h:1210
Out of memory.
Definition stream-class.h:1053
Definition stream-class.h:1047
Out of memory.
Definition stream-class.h:900
Definition stream-class.h:894
Definition stream-class.h:1127
struct bt_trace_class bt_trace_class
Trace class.
Definition types.h:92
struct bt_value bt_value
Definition types.h:93